The World`s Best Treadmill?
Technogym are responsible the `Run Personal` treadmill. Combining cutting edge technology with leading design, this has to be the World`s best looking treadmill.
Technogym have over 25 years experience and it shows. Sometimes a product that might look special performs dreadfully. The Run Personal does not suffer from either looks or performance.
Designed by internationally renowned Antonio Citterio; Run Personal is the first piece of fitness equipment to incorporate both glass and aluminium.
The high polished aluminum allows Run Personal to be both extremely hard-wearing and exceptionally chic.
Run Personal features include a 19` TV screen with MP3 connection, allowing users to enjoy their multimedia contents (movies, personal pictures, mp3 files, video clips) directly on the screen via a USB Media port.
The Run Personal display is fitted with VISIO, Technogym`s unique technology, including the following features not present in any other treadmill, such as `Guide Me` – a guidance app for users, `IPTV` – allows you to receive a TV signal directly from a computer cable and a heap of games to focus your mind whilst you work out your body.
You can get your best looking treadmill in the world at Harrods or from Technogym directly.