The contemporary light-up plant pot
If you want to add a little dimension to your garden you may want to consider the contemporary light-up plant pot which sells from £100 to £500.
If you want something to put in your plant pot then you may also want to consider a new luxury plant design service calling itself Leaf-It-At-Home. These guys actually provide plants for the Big Brother House so now you know where to go if you want to recreate the BB Garden 2008!
The service basically involves an interior landscape consultant coming over and selecting what plants suit the environment. As you can see, their plants are pretty impressive and they provide an ongoing maintenance agreement so as to keep them this way
Leaf-it-at-home`s most popular designer plants and their pots to date include:
&#bullet; Ficus benjamina `Exotica` aka the Twisted Ficus
&#bullet; Dracaena fragrans `Lindenii` with light up pot
&#bullet; Cupressus macrocarpa aka Gold Crest
There`s no mention of cost anywhere so be prepared to add a few zeros onto your plant budget!
More information here on their website.