Gold Dummies
If you want your child to be the Prince or Princess of bling – consider buying one of these gold dummies.
The gold dummy is produced by Swedish design company Elodie who say:
“The idea for gold and silver dummies was there from the start, but it’s taken a lot of time and effort to find a production method that corresponds to the high safety standards that apply.”
Jewelry is always an appreciated gift, but young children have until now had to put up with uncomfortable and often unsafe trinkets.
The feeling of jewelry has been important in the development of this fabulous dummy. That is why the dummies come in the exclusive boxes. It emphasizes that the gift is something more special than just a dummy. We feel it’s the perfect gift for the toddler that more often than not already has all that he or she needs.” Says Linda Sítterstroém, founder and chief designer behind the brand.
Elodie Gold and Silver dummies retail for £24.99 (approx $36).